The Great British Public Toilet Map was created by The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art. It was designed and built byNeontribe. It is funded by the Nominet Trust. It began as part of the TACT3 research project, funded by the New Dynamics of Ageing programme.
We are looking for sponsorship. Please contact Gail at if you would like to find out more.
What Is It?
The map shows toilets that the public can use. This includes those in shops, cafes etc if they choose to let non-customers use their loo, such as those in Community Toilet Schemes. We try not to include those that are for customer use only.
Click here for more info
The data comes from councils, businesses, the OpenStreetMap project and YOU! The data will be available for others to use under an open licence.
Please help by adding and editing toilets