Matthew Gough
A YOUNG fund-raiser is hoping to spread the word and increase public knowledge of his incurable condition by selling wristbands.
Matthew Gough, from Lowton, is selling the popular rubber bands to raise awareness of Interstitial Cystitis (IC), with the proceeds being split between the COB Foundation, a research-funding charity, and the Bladder and Bowel Foundation.
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) sport and exercise psychology student Matthew is also getting in the saddle to ride the 130 miles of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal for charity in June. Matthew, of Tarnway, is no stranger to charity fund-raising, having run from coast to coast last year, but says he still wants to raise money to fund more research into IC, which causes chronic inflammation of the bladder.
Matthew, 20, said: “I will not stop until I have spread the word significantly about IC and also improved treatment and eventually found a cure.
Siobhan’s ‘My Donate’ fundraising page is still open for further donations at the following link
Siobhan Dean Undertaking The Tough Mudder Challenge
MATTHEW PARNELL RUNS THE BREACON BEACONS!Please sponsor Matthew Parnell who is running in the Breacon Beacons to raise funds for COB. Matthew’s wife suffers from interstitial cystitis and he is undertaking this challenge in support of her. Matthew plans to run up Pen Y Fan mountain – one of the largest mountains in the UK which is used by the military for harsh training exercise. He plans to go up and over the mountain within 24 hours. If you would like to sponsor Matthew, please contact the COB Office for a sponsorship form (0121-702-0820/
A big ‘thank you’ goes to Siobhan Dean who completed the Tough Mudder Challenge to raise a fantastic £554 for the COB Foundation. Says Siobhan “It was the most physically and mentally challenging event ever! I completed the whole 12 miles and 26 obstacles of the course. I’m cut and bruised but proud as punch to say I did it. With gift aid included, I’ve raised £554 so far with a few people saying they still need to donate. I have left the page open until the 25thNovember for those who still want to donate.” Well done Siobhan!
Congratulations to COB member Jenny Fahy who won the raffle for a beautiful Christmas hamper!
Our AGM Event is now only just over two week away! We still have a few seats remaining so give the office a call if you haven’t yet booked your seat! Leading specialist in womens bladder problems, Mr Paul Irwin will be speaking along with our nutritionist Serene Foster and continence nurse Karen Powell.
We’ll also be raffling this beautiful hamper which has everything you could wish for to make Christmas really special this year so why not give the office a call and book your ticket today!

A big ‘thank you’ to Jamie Harris who has run the Bristol Half Marathon to raise money for the COB Foundation! Jamie ran the marathon for his eighteen- year- old daughter Emily who is an interstitial cystitis sufferer. Jamie’s My Donate page is still open please make a donation for Emily and all the other young women who suffer from this disease
Please note that our Fashion Night on 3rd October 2014 is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Donating to COB has never been easier now that we have introduced text giving! Just text COBF01 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 to donate now!
Ice Bucket Challenges
Thank you to all our members who have undertaken ice bucket challenges and sent a donation to COB!
Morag Cutts Gets Crafty

Morag Cutts organised a day of crafting fun at her local community centre. Morag says, “Crafters love nothing more than getting together to craft and raise money for a good cause such as COB. There were 30 crafters who enjoyed classes, a luxury craft kit and a fantastic buffet prepared by the staff here at COB. I asked companies to donate prizes to the raffle which really helped us to raise more funds.”
The Craft day held on 11th May in Solihull raised a huge £764 for COB.
Tough Challenge
Siobhan Deane is participating in the Tough Mudder challenge, a 12 mile obstacle course designed by the Special Forces.
Tough Mudder events are hardcore 12 mile-long obstacle courses designed by the Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses and 1,000,000 inspiring participants worldwide to date, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world.
Siobhan says, “I’ve decided to take part in Tough Mudder not only for personal accomplishment but also to raise awareness about IC. The COB foundation have provided me with so much support through my toughest times, now I want to conquer one of the toughest events invented to offer something back.”
Visit her donation page on MyDonate to find our more or make a donation.
We have introduced donation by text so that it’s even easier to donate to the COB Foundation! Just text donate to COBF01 TO 70070 and help us to continue to offer our support to those who need it!